regular exercise and sport activity may maintain our body health. the statement is true if we refer to the things that happened while exercising. the first is; when exersicing, we are mooving our body which is related to the increase of metabolism in our body. some of us may be questioning, how metabolism happened by just a simple exercise (walking,jogging, or doing house work), and how good metabolism can maintain the health of our body.
How mooving increases metabolism in our body
lets try using walking exercise to explain this part. we use our feet by mooving them step by step to walk. while we understand, that we have muscles as part of our body. feet also have muscles covering it's bones. to be able to moove our feet, the muscles of our feet must contract. the answer of how moving increases metabolism can be found, when we understand that muscle contraction requiring energy. and energy resulted from metabolism. no we see that mooving is increasing metabolim.
Proses of Metabolism
now we are entering to another question to be answered. it is where metabolism occured, what is the results of metabolism, and what is it need to happen. metabolism occured inside our every sells in our body. that is why, we can produce huge ammount of energy when we need it. as described on the above, that metabolism resulting energy. and the source of metabolism is carbon dioxide, or people commonly call it sugar, and fat. furthermore, fats metabolized mostly if our body has no more sugar to produce energy. this is one of the main reason why healthy sport can reduce overweight.
benefits of exercise or sport
-fresh body and feeling = reduce stress
-fats burned = reduce overweight
-husband/wife may happy as all house work done
-strongger body
-better immune system from illnes or disease